Brakes & Confidence
I hope you are doing well today and I have a question for you… “Why do we have brakes on our cars?” When you drive your car, you have an accelerator and you have a brake. Why do you have a brake on your car? The answer is not so you can stop the car. No, think about it.
The answer is you have a brake on your car, so you can go fast. The truth is, if didn’t have a brake, you would never go fast. If you never go fast, you would never have the freedom to go fast. But when you have a brake, you have the Confidence that should you want to stop your car, you can hit the brake and stop it.
Think of that figure of speech for just a moment and understand at this time, during this pandemic, you have put on the brakes. You have been going quite fast, and now, you are not exercising that experience in exactly the same way. You are taking a Recess to Reassess. You are putting on the brakes because you again will be going fast soon enough.
So be patient. Trust me, this too shall past. Maybe not exactly when you or I want it to pass. Maybe not without some pain, and change, or adjustment. But it shall past and you will get to live your life again, fully and faithfully, soon. Have a great week.