What is Your Brand?

Ask yourself, “What do I have to offer?”  It's Your Brand, That’s What You Offer.  Here's what I mean…  Branding is about the experience.  The experience is about personal fulfillment.  And fulfillment is about happiness.  When you make people happy, they will advocate for you and what you represent.  That is your brand.

You want people to be brand advocates for you.  When that happens, you become a part of their lives, and you have reached their heart too.  And when you connect to someone heart to heart, you find a true advocate that will talk about you to everyone around them.  Then those people will talk about you to everyone they know.  That loyalty will stand the test of time and create an emotional bond.  There's nothing stronger than that.

Your True Brand Is What People Say About You When You're Not Around.  So let your name magnify who you are, your good deeds, and your code of honor.  Protect it.  Watch who you spend time with, and watch what you do.  This isn’t self-promotion, this is self-preservation.  The world in which we live in is moving at such a rapid pace, and competition is everywhere.  And in this competitive environment, You Need To Compete With Your Differences, Not Just Your Strengths.

So know what makes you, you.  Above all, be authentic.  Then as surely as day follows night, you can't be false to anyone.  And what happens?  Trust happens, credibility happens, relevance happens.  Keywords to be.  Have a great week.

Wright Chase