Let me tell you about how to find what we all want. What do we all want? Happiness. That's what everyone of us wants in our life. Happiness. Those who spend their life searching for happiness never find it. But those who search for Meaning, for Purpose, and strong Personal Relationships, those people find that happiness usually comes to them as a byproduct of those three things.
Today, you know, we're more connected as a society than any other time in history, mostly because of social media. And our online lives back up what social scientists have long known. We are social creatures. Take a vantage of that. Strong human connections are a far greater predictor of happiness than any salary, any GPA, any IQ. And those connections will help you feel better, think better, bounce back quicker, from any trauma, any adversity, any illness.
So relationships are so important in our lives. I'll give you what the Japanese see as a reason for being. They have a name for it: Ikigai. Researchers in Japan have discovered that people with ikigai live longer. Seven years longer. That makes sense, because when you have that, you know what brings meaning, and purpose to your life. And guess what? When that happens, You Are a Happy Person.
Have an extraordinary week.