
You're not going to believe this.  Every month, more than one-hundred-billion searches are performed on Google.  Unbelievable.  Every two years the amount of digital information will more than double.  What?  Nearly two-thirds of today's elementary school students will one day hold a job that hasn't been created yet.

You wanna talk about disruption, we live in an ever-changing world.  And to be ready for that, we need to know how to Analyze, how to Collaborate, how to Innovate.  That is how to learn in this 21st-century.  But no matter what technological advances happen in our lifetime, computers can only do so much.  We can only do so much.  Our perceptions are what holds us back.

Let me tell you something, education needs to be a continuing, never ending process.  But don't confuse training with education my friend, don't confuse training with dducation.  There is a measurable difference between the two.  Training Teaches The How, Education Teaches The Why.  We all need to know the why.  As writer David Foster Wallace once said…

Your education really is the job of a lifetime.

So be open to new ideas, be open to new ways of doing things.  Be willing to listen, to observe, to learn constantly.  Be your best ally, and take advantage of your entrepreneurial self.  Because we all need to remember:  Ideas are nothing, Execution is everything.  Creativity is about doing things differently, Innovation is about doing things better.

Remember that as you go about your life and your work this week, and I wish for you a great day.

Wright Chase