Live in Balance

On my desk, I have this American Eagle which balances on a edge of this small pedestal.  When visitors ask me about this eagle, I explain to them that this is a reminder of how life should be lived, of how we all need to be mentally, physically, intellectually, socially, and spiritually balanced, just like this eagle.

In order to manage the trials of life, we all have those trails, so we must Live In Balance.  It could be a health scare, a fizzled relationship, perhaps a loss of a job, or a death of someone we love.  When it happens, we often ask God, “Why me?”

What can help is what I call Faithful Courage.  When you employ it, when you believe it, when you have it, it can help you in terms of adversity.  And what fuels faithful courage is the idea of balance.  Life is best lived in balance, and we all need that.  It’s this idea of putting your life on a scale, and weighing equally your time at work, your spiritual growth, your time with your family, and your time with your friends.

Life is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.  Pace Yourself.  So be like the eagle balanced on the edge of a pedestal.  When you do think about the rewards, there will be many, everywhere you look, and you understand that often out of adversity, can emerge abundance.

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