Embrace the Future

Each and every day is the time to Embrace the Future.  Don’t be frighten of your future, see it as a way to Reinvent Yourself, and Find New Roles that fit the new “you”.

Look at actress Gwyneth Paltrow.  She left a very successful acting career, to turn a personal newsletter she sent to friends and family, into a business.  Today, she has turned her website, goop.com, into a lifestyle brand, and an e-commerce site.  And what did she learn?  She states…

“Thick skin is essential, self-belief is paramount.”

Successful people don’t avoid risks, they learn to manage them.  They investigate their opportunities, they seek responsibility, and they don’t make excuses.  And after they wade the risks involved, they dive in, just like Gwyneth Paltrow.

See your future as an adventure to be explored, a symphony to be played.  Yes, you will face constantly changing odds, constantly developing challenges, constantly opening opportunities.  But ask yourself today, “If I could do anything, what would I choose to do?  Who Would I Choose to Become?”

Listen to the music of your life my friend, it’s not done, it’s inside of “you”.  All you have to do… is listen.  When you do, think about the glories sounds you will hear.  May this year be the best one ever.