Civility ... and a Smile

With everything we do in life, we will really benefit by following four pillars of interaction.  First one is Smile.  Second one is Greet Everyone you meet.  The third one is Call Them By Name, people love to hear the sound of their name.  And the fourth is Thank Them for their time, their advice, their friendship.  If we're truly interested in others, somehow they become interested in us.

Dee Ann Turner was a senior executive at Chick-fil-A, she was in charge of the talent acquisition.  She's been invited across America and the world to share her advice.  She talks to students and adults, at conferences and conventions, on how to treat other people, how to select the right employees, how to make them the best they can possibly be.  She talks about character - who we are.  It's how we act when no one is looking, or how we think when no one is listening.

More than 200 years ago, an English poet once said:

Civility costs nothing and buys everything.

That is still true today, you know that, science backs that up.  Studies show a smile, impacts all of us in positive ways. We've become more creative and people see us as courteous and trustworthy.  And what does that cost?  Nothing!  But just imagine what we gain when we smile at people, when we help people, when we encourage people, when we call them by name, when we involve them in all of the activities and initiatives that we have.

Dee Ann Turner has it right.  Selecting the right people for your team is of utmost importance.  She certainly has discovered the answer at Chick-fil-A, and she's sharing it with the world.  Just imagine what you and I can gain when we learn these principles.

Have a great week.

Wright Chase