Believe in Your Destiny
Hello my friends. I know that you have heard me say this before, that the results we experience in life are there based on the behaviors that we display in life. And the behaviors that we displayed in life, are there based on the beliefs that we hold in our heart and in our soul.
My mother taught me this lesson, that if you believe in yourself, and you believe that you can make something of yourself, you believe that there's no such thing as unrealistic goals, only unrealistic timelines. If you believe in that, then you'll start behaving that way. And when you behave that way, you'll see results come your way.
You heard me say before that Garbage In, Garbage Stays. What you put in your mind stays there. It multiplies. It has babies. It controls the way you think and the way you act. It's easy today, with this negative news coming at us from a 360 perspective, 24/7, it's easy to let yourself feel down.
Don't do that. Find a way to lift your spirit. Get a breath of fresh air. Talk to someone positive. Communicate with a good friend. See something funny on YouTube, but get your spirits up. You can't afford to be negative. You have to promise yourself that you can be positive, because what you believe, you have to believe in tomorrow. You have to believe that your future is promising and filled with success and framed with significance.
See, if you believe that, you will act that way in spite of the headwinds that you may be feeling. And then you'll see results improve because we must control our destiny. We can't let external factors destroy the fabric, and the fiber, of who we are. At the end of the day, you're still an extraordinary person, and that is what I believe. Have a great week.