Growing Wisdom... How?
Hello my friends. I hope you are doing well today. I just want to make a distinction between two English words. See if you agree with me? There is a measurable difference between the word Information and the word Knowledge. And there's even a greater difference between the word Knowledge and the word Wisdom.
If all you have is information, people will use you and discard you. Just think of how you do Google? You Google some information but when you're done with it, you just put it aside. And knowledge is a different thing. When you have knowledge, people will call upon you when they need you. Think about going to a doctor or think about going to an accountant.
But, when you have wisdom, when you have wisdom people will respect you. But how do you grow wisdom? Even during the toughest of times, we can be growing some wisdom. How? Wisdom that emanates from having to deal with problems. Wisdom that emanates from having to deal with change. Wisdom that emanates from having to understand that we can't always have what we want when we want it. The wisdom that gives us patience. The wisdom that gives us a deeper acknowledgment of what life is and how living could be appreciated.
So thank God for oxygen, you have it today. Some people, maybe some people you know, but I hope no one in your family or among your friends. But some people are struggling to have oxygen. They have to have a ventilator to stay alive. So thank the heavens above for the blessings that you have, and know on this day that you're growing in wisdom even as you gather information and knowledge too as you learn. Have a good day.