A famous American statesman once said…
So live decently. Live furiously. Live joyously. And don't forget in the long run, it's not the years in your life, but the Life In Your Years, that count.
Oh my, we all need to believe that. If we do, we will create a zone, in which, through which, by which, we can develop a winning attitude that will help us, and also help everybody around us. But how you ask? Well, let me give you three steps on this Monday…
Make A Strong and Permanent Commitment to invest your life, and your talents only, only in those pursuits that deserve your best efforts.
Make A Strong and Irrevocable Commitment to give all that you have, and all that you are, to achieve your goals.
Make A Strong Commitment to reach your full potential as a human being.
Oh, you have so much potential. Whatever you do, do more than what is required of you, and do it with enthusiasm. And when you do, remember these words from playwright George Bernard Shaw…
Life is no brief candle for me. It is sort of a splendid torch, which I got hold of for a moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as I possibly can, before turning it over to future generations.
What an attitude. Can you imagine life ever being boring for a person with such a spirit. George Bernard Shaw had that spirit. You Can Too. Have a great week.