The Sundown Rule

I have what I call the sundown rule.  The Sundown Rule.  No matter how many calls or emails or text messages I receive in a day, I respond to every one of them.  It works for me.  By sundown every day, I take care of every one of them.  It will work for you to.

Think of it this way, whoever contacted you believes what they had to say was important.  So it should be important to you.  They deserve an answer and you need to let them know.  It's simple courtesy.  And courtesy, I believe, is the oil that lubricates the machinery of communication.  We all need to be courteous to one another, if we wanna make a difference in the world around us.

Set aside some time at least twice a day to check your messages and follow up.  Build that into your daily schedule, control how you correspond.  Don't let your correspondences control you, but show people that You Care, that you’re attentive.  By the time your head hits the pillow, respond to everyone that has reached out to you.

Your responses don't have to be long my friend, but think about what it does to the person on the other end when they hear from you.  You show them you care.  You value what they think.  You are a prompt person.  It's a lesson we all should follow throughout our lives.  Because when it comes to community, our sense of attentiveness is something everyone can appreciate.

Have a great day.

Wright Chase