Be Authentic

Life is all about collaboration, but to make collaboration work, we all have to be someone other people can trust.  And trust is so important in any aspect of life.  To establish trust with anyone, We Have To Be Authentic, we have to be honest, be yourself, but be your best self.

In his book, The Servant Leader, James Autry see authenticity as key to what he calls, “The five ways of being.”  Autry believes we all need to be vulnerable, we all need to be accepting, we need to be present, we need to be useful, add authentically to that make up and we’ll find out that people need us in their lives because we bring value to their lives.  And of course, we bring values to our lives in the process.  Former Vice-President Hubert Humphrey once said…

Just be what you are, and speak from your guts, and from your heart.  It's all a person has.

That is so true.  So remember, honesty and authenticity trump charisma any day.  Charisma may get us in the door, But It Takes Substance to Deliver Results.  Have an extraordinary week.

Wright Chase