Always Express Gratitude

Hello my friend, I hope you are doing well.  You know what?  Sometimes life is tough.  We all face intellectual and emotional challenges that tax us.  It happens to all of us.  When it happens to you, you learn more about you and the world around you than ever before.

Lately, I have sent out these rubber wristbands to people to wear in my weekly group confidence class which says… “A Complaint Free World.”  And I tell them that if they whine, they need to snap it like a rubber band and then move it to their other wrist.  Why?  Because whining is the opposite of thanks giving.

That's right, whining is the opposite of thanks giving.  When you whine, you claim to your friends and the heavens above that you're not grateful.  Every day in every way, express your gratitude to your mom, to your dad, to your spouse, to your kids, to your siblings, to your friends, to your co-workers.  Express your gratitude.  A heart that's filled with thanks giving is a heart that attracts joy.

For you my friend today, I wish you the very best.

Wright Chase