Opportunity Clock

How do you wake up every morning?  Do you put that alarm, a notice on your iPhone and it buzzes you in the morning, or gives you some music in the morning?  Some people call that an alarm clock.  That's what wakes them up every morning.

Look, it's not your alarm clock, it’s your opportunity clock.  That's what it is.  Every day, you will learn new things, meet new people, visit new places.  All that will shape who you are and what you believe.  And what you believe will lead to how you behave, and ultimately what you will become.

So that isn't an alarm clock like a fire alarm and an alarm that keeps your house safe from thieves and so on.  It's an opportunity clock!  It's a way of saying… “Get up, get going, the day is waiting for you.”

So when you go to bed, you don't set an alarm, you prepare yourself to seize another opportunity.  Think of that and think of how much you can discover.  Your life, it's meant to be lived.  And when the sun rises in the east every morning, it beckons you to success and significance.

Have a wonderful day.

Wright Chase