Balancing Our Mistakes
Wisdom does not come from constant success, oh no! Wisdom comes from lessons learned though failure. Remember Thomas Edison? As an inventor he made a thousand unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. We all know he learned from his mistakes, but we also know he kept his failures in proper prospective. The key dear friend, is tying our sense of personal security, to something deeper then immediate success.
We can build, and maintain, our self-confidence by Balancing Our Mistakes Against our long term Goals, against our underlining Purpose in life, and our inherent Worth as a human being, creative by God almighty. Those who can come out of each mistake or each failure, are better equipped to face the future, and not only salvage their self-confidence, but Make It Stronger.
That happened to Edison. After he invented the light bulb, a reporter ask him, “How did it feel to fail a thousand times?” He responded, “I didn’t fail a thousand times, the light was an invention with one-thousand steps.” So mistakes are seldom failure. It’s our attitude toward mistakes that can cost us.
Keep that in mind as you go about your day. Have a great week.