
Helen Keller once said…

The highest result of education is tolerance.

We so need that. We do live in a world saddled with isms:  Racism, sexism, ageism, you name it.  Despite our problems though, we can build the world into what it needs to be, by understanding, by Embracing One Keyword - Tolerance.  Let me tell you, continued education leads to a truly tolerant society, and Tolerance Leads to Respect.

Think about the people you meet, respect them, and they'll instinctively seek to live up to your respect.  They'll treat you with respect as well, that will make it easier for you to respect yourself, and live up to your own expectations.  See the good in others.  Find something to respect about everyone you meet.  Take to heart the words from Romans 12:10…

Love one another with brotherly affection.  Outdo one another in showing honor.

So outdo yourself today.  Continue your education.  Look what it can do for you.  It might just surprise you.  Have a great day.

Wright Chase