The Way to Learn
There is no substitute for doing. One of my favorite Proverbs has been attributed to Confucius, the Chinese philosopher. He once said…
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
Mark Randoff, the cofounder of Netflix, understands the importance of doing. Recently, he said…
The only way to find out whether you have a good idea or not, is to take a risk.
Take A Risk. He also said…
You'll learn more in one day of doing it than in one year of working on your PowerPoint.
You see, dear friend, let me tell you productive failures are okay. Busy hands are busy brains. You'll learn from your mistakes. You'll develop skills that you'll use throughout your life. Then, you'll become a walking example of the importance of what Confucius once said…
You do. Now, you understand.
Have a great day.