Make Your Minutes Count
Don’t let over-commitment become a lifestyle, we need to learn how to manage our time, and we need to learn how to manage our energy, to achieve what we want in life. Think of time in terms of units, like five-minute units - an hour would have twelve units, five-minutes each. To manage your five-minute units of time, here are some ideas that I use in my life, I think they would be helpful to you.
Ask people to send you emails no more than six lines long, with one question per email. so you can answer these questions very quickly. Conduct meetings with anyone standing up, so you can leave when you reach your objective. They’ll help you channel your energy on what is important, and what you value in your life.
Now, if you use twelve units or more on one thing, that one thing has to be really worthwhile. It has to be worthy of your energy, and you determine that by the results it will achieve. See, Results Are What Life Is All About.
Our lives can’t be managed as taking one task at a time. We all need to meditate on where our tasks are taking us. I use the word meditate on purpose. We all need to think of the big picture, not just our short-term objectives. We need to think where we want our lives to take us. We all need to remember that The Happiest People Are Those Who Live Their Lives with Purpose.
Make your minutes count, starting today, this week. Make your minutes count. Seek time as five-minutes units. Ask yourself, “What Is My Purpose?” And when you do, you will find it, and you will live it, and you will have joy doing it. Have a great week.