The Value of Life

The value of life is in the trying, in the doing, in the reaching out to achieve, and to create.  If you commit yourself to worthwhile goals, and vigorously pursue them, success will take care of itself.  So remember these nine lessons, nine lessons that we can all live by…

  1. Allow Time for Work - It’s the price of success

  2. Allow Time for Love - It’s the sacrament of life

  3. Allow Time to Play - It’s the secret of youth

  4. Allow Time to Read - It’s the foundation of knowledge

  5. Allow Time to Help and Enjoy Friends - It’s the source of happiness

  6. Allow Time to Dream - It keeps our hopes alive

  7. Allow Time to Laugh - It’s the spice of life

  8. Allow Time to Worship - It’s the highway of reverence

  9. Allow Time to Pray - It helps bring God near, and washes the dust of the earth from your eyes

Mother Teresa once said…

“Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has yet to come, we only have today, let us begin.”

Best wishes my friend, in your life journey.  Start today, it is your day.  Rejoice, and be glad in it.

Wright Chase