The High Order of Living

When I speak about life's skills to individuals, I talk about the value of one-third.  Devote one-third of your life to Learning, one-third of your life to Earning, and one-third of your life to Serving.  It will help you create a more balanced life, and when you’re balanced, you don't wait for opportunities to serve others, you look for them.

When you lay your head down on your pillow at night, you need to have an answer when you ask yourself, “What did I learn today that I didn't know yesterday?”  The more you know, the more you understand, and the more you can find ways to solve problems.  That can help you reach new plateaus in your life.  

You're not afraid of failure.  You’re not afraid of risk.  I tell individuals when you take the risk out of life, you take opportunity out of life.  We all have to earn money, we all have bills to pay, we all have places we want to go, but we also must learn every day.  That includes you.

Remember that, and remember to be a good steward.  The space you occupy on this earth should matter and part that makes it matter is that you Do Something Good for Others.  Life is all about helping people.

It is what I call The High Order of Living.  It adds significance to your life because the more you help others, the more you help yourself, and the world around you, by feeling fulfilled, by having a sense of purpose.  Have a wonderful week.

Wright Chase