Happiness vs Fulfillment
Today, ask yourself, “If I would die tomorrow,” God forbid, “What would I regret the most?” Now don't get worried, you're not actually going to die tomorrow, but here's my question, “What's keeping you from doing what you would most regret not doing?” Do It. Do It Today. And you'll be on the road to fulfillment.
Now don't confuse happiness with fulfillment, they're totally different. To achieve happiness, some people see it in terms of money, or good luck, or good health. They shouldn’t. You can lose your money. You can lose your good looks. You could even lose your good health.
Fulfillment though comes from a life well-lived. It is a life devoted to making the world a better place. Focus on improving the world around you, where you work, where you live, your colleagues, your family members, your friends, your community, and you will become a better person.
When the final books are balanced, our reward isn’t assured by the amount of money we made, the size of the estate we amassed, or the prestigious connections we cultivated. Oh no. It will be measured by the people we have helped, the legacy we have left, the stewardship we are invested in, the philanthropy we have displayed, and the seeds of greatness we had planted in the Hearts, Souls, and Minds of others. Because when those seeds germinate and grow, they will lead to others going out and doing something worth-wild in their own lives.
What a way to live. You can start today. Have a great week.